Hopeful Farming at Hop Frog Farm

While we have tried new things on our farm each year, it is still easy to fall into a pattern of “the same old way you’ve always done it.” Watching a kazillion farming videos on the internet until 3am can be a fun way to spend a Tuesday night, but we’ve found it much more productive to get hands-on experience under the guidance of professional farmers.

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Conservation and the Cat

Bird watching hasn’t been quite as good this year. Around this time last summer, you could look out our south-facing living room window at any point in the day and see a variety of birds doing the hard work of seed swallowing and bug chomping in the grass, garden, and pond areas. The same species are back this summer, but are mostly seen on the wing or on the fences. The reason is likely due to the savage predator that moved into the area last spring: KiKi Shrewslayer.

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