One Year In and Still Standing

I feel we’d be remiss not acknowledging our one-year anniversary here in the Boistfort Valley. It’s an important milestone, and we’ve done a lot in a short time. While we’ve been reflecting on our progress in real time (or close to it— some blog posts take longer to appear than others), now seems like an appropriate moment to review the full map of our journey. 

Even though we moved into our new home in August of 2019, most of our farm-related accomplishments happened this year, alongside unusual world events. The past few months especially have been simultaneously overwhelming and delightful. When I was thinking about this post, lyrics from a song in the musical Rent kept floating through my mind:

The day we closed on our new home!

The day we closed on our new home!

How do you measure, measure a year?

In daylights, in sunsets

In midnights, in cups of coffee

In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife

In five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes

How do you measure, a year in the life?

How about love?

Measure in love

Seasons of love

These were our seasons/works of love:

Summer 2019

  • Getting the house painted and unpacked

  • Reaping our first Washington harvest (but not the fruit of our own labor)

Fall 2019

  • Making friends and feeling part of the community

  • Welcoming our first visitors

  • Learning about hay - the very first thing we sold from the farm

  • Trying our hand at new jobs

  • Naming the farm and creating our website

Winter 2019/2020

  • Increasing our pack by one crazy cat named KiKi

  • Coming to terms with the reality of Washington winters 

  • Realizing just how much of our property gets flooded

  • Trying to start plant seeds with multiple failed attempts

  • Getting up to speed on our conservation responsibilities

Spring 2020

  • Bringing home two bee hives, which morphed into three

  • Welcoming the following to Star & Sparrow:

  • Creating housing for above animals

  • Prepping and planting the garden

  • Remodeling the kitchen and main bathroom

  • Feeling as if much of our progress in the community was hampered by COVID-19

Summer 2020

  • Getting the last plant stragglers into the ground 

  • Bringing home 2 rabbits, then saying goodbye to one prematurely, replacing with another

  • Adding 3 adorable ducks into our mix (blog post coming soon)

  • Selling our first eggs

  • Purchasing a mix of unique berries and trees from an awesome local nursery, which I recently wrote about in LewisTalk

Busy as a bee

We’ve had highs and lows, tears and laughter, progress and backtracking. There are days I wonder what the hell we were thinking. Moments where we miss well-paying jobs, friends/family, and being surrounded by an endless variety of restaurants/music/art. But then I look out the door at our beautiful view. Or I collect several baskets of tomatoes, gather a carton of eggs, quack back at our new ducky friends, or rub the impossibly soft fur of Bunny and Mr. Hop...and it seems we are in just the right place. We have more adventures (read:work) ahead of us for certain. But we’re on the track to creating good food and fulfilled lives and love for ourselves and others. And really, that’s why we embarked on this adventure.