Star & Sparrow

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Ready, Aim, Fire

Last week I shot a gun for the first time in my life. Look, y’all, I grew up in Mississippi—way out in the country—and could have fired a gun years ago if I wanted. But I never did. I didn’t even want to do it recently. But Bryon made some good points in the last couple of months that made me decide to finally give it a try.

For one thing, we hear coyotes howling nearby many a night. We’ve also seen raccoons and had nearby friends tell us about bear and cougar sightings. So a potential attack could take place at any time among our current roster of two dogs, one cat, two rabbits, and thirty birds. If that happened and Bryon wasn’t around, I would want to try to protect our animals to the best of my ability... and screaming like a banshee might not do the trick. For another thing, we’ve discussed how we never know what might happen in this crazy world we live in, what with pandemics, food shortages, or other catastrophes that might drive folks to abnormal behavior. Being prepared for anything seems important considering we are a little isolated out here in the valley.

But that’s all theory and logical discussion. Actually driving to the gun range west of us, my anxiety started to creep in. Once we arrived and went inside, we walked past half a dozen men to set up at one of the stations. My heart was beating fast while Bryon showed me how to work the two guns. Then the flashing red light—an indication someone was walking out on the range—went dark, and the firing began. At first, I couldn’t help jumping at every loud boom. When Bryon finally handed me the shotgun, our target had blown over in the wind, so I shot at the ground several times.

Can you tell I was a little freaked out?

Then Bryon suggested I try the rifle, and I reluctantly agreed. After one lone shot, he loaded four bullets and made me go again. I aimed for a mole hill about fifty yards ahead and pulled the trigger. According to Bryon, I hit my target all four times. We picked up the empty shells, loaded up and headed to the truck. It was all over in half an hour, and we headed to Jones Creek Brewing for a much-needed beer.

I doubt I will ever shoot guns for fun, and I know I don’t have it in me to hunt animals. But now I can handle a gun safely if I ever have to use one…just hoping I never do!