Star & Sparrow

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Winter is coming. Even though it’s not officially here yet, we’re having our first snow day and the weather has already been more wintery for me than I’ve been used to for the last 20 years. The To-Do lists are gaining new entries faster than they can shed them, but I can’t seem to make myself too concerned about it. With an inch of snow on the ground and sticking for most of the day, all I really want to do is stay inside, drink warm beverages, and stay wrapped in soft fabric. The day’s course is looking pretty obvious — Farley is baking creme brûlée, the dogs are sleeping by the fire, and I’m still in pajamas. A little while ago I wondered aloud if 10 a.m. was too early to sip cognac while soaking the hot tub. I was told I could do what I want...

Buster - Master of Reflection.

And I have. Where did the year go? The calendar is now on its last page and days like this are ready-made for reflection. Random thoughts while staring out the big window:

The person I was a year ago, and what I was doing, is quickly becoming irrelevant. If I’m going to become what I’ve set out to be, I’m going to have to get very busy in the coming year. 

Dark-eyed Juncos really seem to like suet seed cake. As do the Northern Flickers, Ringed Turtle Doves, and Scrub Jays. This really shouldn’t surprise me — who doesn’t like protein and carbs covered in fat?

I’ve planned our farming adventure a thousand times in my head, but now that we’ve staked our claim on a place to farm, everything has to be re-evaluated, reconsidered, and re-planned to match the specifics of our place. Over the next couple of months, we will plan what we expect to be doing for at least the next 10 years. Then we need to figure out all the ways that won’t work, and plan again. The plan will never actually be done — what really determines the end of any planning effort is the deadline. By spring, whatever plan we have will need to be put into action, then re-evaluated as it progresses and possibly even fails. 

The garage is now cold enough to act as a refrigerator for beer and vegetables. 

Where will we plant our vegetables? How will we water them, or will we be able to dry farm?

More than half of our Christmas tree ornaments are animals. Birds are most numerous. Monkeys and squirrels are tied for 2nd place at 5 each. There is only one dinosaur — a Stegosaurus. 

Can you find the Stegosaurus?

Which part of our property is best for locating animal housing? What if it floods? Where will all the manure go so that it doesn’t leach into the surrounding water ways?

The timer for the creme brûlée is going off...

There is a lot to figure out. Fortunately for us, there is a lot of knowledge and experience in this valley, and we are meeting people all the time that have years of experience living and working here. In the coming months, we’ll post here about how our plans are going and things we’re learning. Here’s a glimpse of a few topics you can expect from me in 2020:

Defining Profit
Studying Poop
Garlic Yoga 
Horseradish Bones
To Hunt or Not to Hunt
Tractor Passion
Coyote Songs (aka Newton’s Third Law)

And perhaps best of all — the great food we’re eating, including a new recipe section here on the blog. 

But for the month of December, I’ll be making time for reflection. It’s good to inventory your thoughts from time to time and ask yourself “what I have I been thinking about the most?” or “what have I not thought about enough?”

Two deer just walked by. 

“What matters most?” So many questions, and so much to be grateful for. The lower pasture is now more green than white and right now, the question nagging me the most is whether to put on pants or swim trunks. I think the hot tub will win the day. It usually does.